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7 Food Myth Busted

                                      7  Food myths Busted

Myths : low fat or no fat diet are good.

   Fact     : Body needs fat for energy, tissue repair and to transport vitamin A,D,E and K. Just cut down on salivated fat eating to unsaturated fats.

   Myths : Dieting or Fasting may loose weight.

   Fact.   : It may be true in short term but ultimately it hinder weight loss. Lossing over the long term burns off fat whereas crash Dieting or Fasting not only remove fat but who leans muscles.

  Myths : Food eaten late night is more fattening.

 Fact.    : It doesn't make much change.

  Myths : Low fat milk has less calcium than full fat milk.

    Fact    : Skimmed and semi - Skimmed milk have more calcium because it is in watery part and not in creamy part of milk.

   Myths : Vegetarian cannot builds muscles.

    Fact. : Vegetarian can built muscles as meat eaters by getting their protein from vegetables such as green leafy vegetables ( Spanish) , cheese, milk, nuts, pulses, etc.

  Myths : Healthy food is expensive.

    Fact.    : Tinned, stored, packed, food is expensive, whereas local and seasonal food is inexpensive.

    Myths : Drinking water during eating is not good.

     Fact.  : Water drinking during eating food not cause any indigestion , weight increase, etc.

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