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Everything About Plant TULSI


Synonyms : - Sacred Basil

Regional names : - Sanskrit, Hindi and Bengali  : Tulsi.

Biological source : - The drug consists of fresh and dried leaves of Ocimum sanctum.

Geographical source : - The plant is considered sacred by Hindus and is grown throughout India. It is cultivated near Hindu temples and in Gardens.

Family : - Lamiaceae

Morphological character : 
1. The leaf has acute Apex.

2.  Trichomes are present on the both the surfaces of the leaves and they are minutely gland dotted.

3. Base of the leaves is symmetric.

4. The petiolate leaves are oblong in shape and having entire or serrate margin.

5. Venation is reticulate pinnate.

6. The order is aromatic characteristics and paste is aromatic pungent.

Chemical constituents : - the whole herb contains volatile oil which is highest in the leaves ( 0.4 - 0.8 ) . Major components of the volatile oil include eugenol ( 70%) , methyl eugenol (20%) , carvacrol (3%) and caryophylene(1%).

Uses : - it is well known for its antibacterial ,insecticidal, antiprotozoal , diaphoretic and expectorant properties .

The leaves are also used as aromatic carminative.

It is also used in cold, cough, fever, gastrointestinal disorders.

It is a immunomodulator, adaptogenic in nature, and anxiolytic agent.

Tulsi plant

You can buy pure Tulsi oil


👑 Thank you👑

All images copyright to: Google images and Shutterstock image.


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